
Translations: Nelise Carbonare

Montoro - The Triumph. Lula - The Hope. Janio - The Moon. Rogê - The Eremite. Reinaldo - The Fool. What it means? These are the cards gotten for each candidate, by the disposition of the ancient science, that born on Egypt more than 4 thousand years ago: The Tarot Cards.

In order to know what the cards says, the B.A. Master Teacher, Nelise Vieira, who lives in Pinheiros and have studying Tarot ten years already. The Tarot deck are composed by 78 cards, with four elements: astrology, Cabala, Alchemy and Egyptian mythology - that determine the "Arcanum", it means, the card that are able to interpret the future of people and things, have as a base, the past.

Nelise, 28 years old, first read the Tarot for São Paulo state people, who are just to choose your government after almost 20 years of vote fast. With the cards already open on spread, Nelise saw two pictures:
"One real, other inside of a foggy, but beginning to show it's strength, getting conscience of the situation.

A real one, and a other dusty just began to show it strength. Coming back to a recent past, she read that the São Paulo's people is closing a cycle of experiences, evolution to that what they desire. They know they need to change their foundation, but in order to do it, it is needed prepare the soil and get disposition for changes. Also it is needed to be aware around the impediments.
Willing to get common needs, the São Paulo people need a man able to manager the of all concerns.

After the São Paulo's people reading, and just after that, Nelise got 5 cards, one for each one of the candidates, without know previously the names. For our control, each number correspond a name.
Card number 1: The Triumph. If this man were elected, he will walk save with all kind of protections: money, armies (as politic support, and a lot of experience in politic and administration; power (represented by the two sphinxes on the bottom of the card); reasoning (on top of the card, spiritual protection, and intelligence) This man, by the Tarot cards, is the one matches better with the Paulista's aspirations. Card 1: Franco Montoro.
Card number 2: The Hope. 
He is the hope of the São Paulo's people, delayed aspiration. Seems Robin Hood. It is equal as hope as the waiting time (this card represents the seed's germination cycle, between shower and dry season).  Card 1: Lula.
Card number 3: The Dusk.
He is looking for the True. He have spiritual protection but he is alone, isolated.
 Card 3: Jânio.
Card number 4: The Eremite. 
The card indicate that this man, have all insurance, but does not represent the people's anxieties, that ask for renovation.  Card 4: Rogê.
Card number 5: The Return. 
He is the hope of the São Paulo's people, delayed aspiration. Seems Robin Hood. It is equal as hope as the waiting time (this card represents the seed's germination cycle, between shower time and dried time).  Card 5: Reginaldo.
The lady who read the Tarot, is a teacher at a elementary school, and earned 50 mil cruzeiros for this job. 

"São Paulo" magazine

Add of the magazine  "Nova" and "Quatro Rodas"  em 1982

Copyright © 1998,2003 Nelise Carbonare